There is a lot of information, so here are quick links to help you get to the info you need:
New Protocols at Pain & Swelling Solutions
August 12, 2021
Pain & Swelling Solutions is a NM Safe Certified Business.
The building protocols at present include asking when you arrive
if you have been vaccinated.
If you are not vaccinated, you must provide a medical reason and
wear either 2 masks or an N95 mask.
These new vaccination rules are per the person who owns the building. As I am a renter there, I have to follow her policy. I appreciate your understanding.
Masks must still be worn in my office at all times. I have an immune condition, so this is to protect me and my other clients.
I can’t see you if you have signs or symptoms of COVID or have been exposed to someone recently. This includes a regular cold. Please cancel if you are sick in any way that may be contagious. If I get a regular cold from you, I can’t work until I am well.
Should you have questions about these policies, please feel free to text me at 505-554-5185.
I look forward to helping you!
Other Building Policies
Please do not bring anyone else with you to your appointment.
- If someone drives you, they must wait in the car or come back after your appointment. They may no longer wait in the waiting room.
- If you have a special need for a second person at your appointment, please contact me directly so that we can discuss it prior to your arrival.
Masks and Hygiene

You must wear a mask at all times in our facility
- Your mask may be manufactured or homemade.
- The mask must cover your mouth and nose
- This helps keep the room sanitized for others.
Please shower before your appointment if possible.
- I realize that this is not always possible, but if you are coming from home, please shower first.
- If you won’t be coming directly from home, please shower that morning. (Some people normally shower at night.)
What COVID-19 Training Have You Had?
I have taken a number of continuing education courses on COVID-19 and infection transmission from organizations such as the World Health Organization to various medical, nursing, aesthetician, and massage associations. This includes the New Mexico Safe Certified Program.
You may view the courses that I took here.
Based on my training and the recommendations of my multiple professions’ national organizations, I have been developing protocols to ensure the safety of my clients.
Why All the Fuss?
My Building Is Classified as a “Primary Health Care Facility”
My building is owned by an acupuncturist who operates in the front offices. In New Mexico, acupuncturists are primary health care providers.
Per the New Mexico Department of Health, the protocols for everyone in our building must operate under the same protocols as you would find in a doctor’s office.
My Clients are at Higher Risk
The majority of the people I see are health-compromised in some way. They have suppressed immune systems from cancer treatment, are at an advanced age, or have recently had surgery and have scars that are not completely closed.
These factors mean that my clients are at a higher risk than the average population, so the protocols for my business will reflect this and will apply to everyone who comes for therapy regardless of their personal health status.
I ask that everyone please keep this fact in mind before coming to see me. If you know that you are not complying with recommended practices such as social distancing, please think about the welfare of my high-risk clients and postpone coming back for your appointments until times are safer.
What If I Or Someone I’ve Been In Contact With Has Had COVID-19?
You are required to reschedule your appointment (without penalty) if any of the following statements are true:
- If you, a family member, or someone with whom you have been in contact has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 30 days.
- Additionally, you must test negative for COVID-19 prior to rescheduling.
- In the last 14 days if you, a family member, or someone with whom you have been in contact has had any of the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Unusual Fatigue
- Dry Cough
- Difficulty Breathing
- Sore Throat
- Any flu-like symptoms including chills and body aches
- If you, a family member, or someone with whom you have been in contact has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 30 days.
What Is Your Cancellation Policy?
There will be no penalty for cancellations due to COVID-19 related concerns.
- The health of my clients is more important than anything, so cancellations for COVID-related issues will not result in you losing a prepaid appointment. But you must let me know.
No-Shows will result in a lost appointment.
- You must let me know if you can’t make your appointment.
- If you just don’t show up that will count against your pre-paid visits.
- You MUST CALL or TEXT me at 505-554-5185 to let me know you can’t make your appointment. Leave a message if I don’t answer. (I don’t have time to check email often during the day.)
- READ THIS –> If you are a no-show for your appointment, or if you are paying one appointment at a time and cancel more than 2 appointments in less than 24 hours, ALL FUTURE APPOINTMENTS WILL BE CANCELLED and ANY BOOKINGS IN THE FUTURE MUST BE **PRE-PAID**. NO EXCEPTIONS. This may sound extreme, but this policy exists because of the irresponsible behavior of a lot of people over time. It is necessary because I only earn money when I am working. Frequent cancellations add up quickly. You may think that you are just one cancellation, and how could that possibly make a difference, but I have had weeks where 10 people have cancelled. Just like you, I have rent, groceries, a car payment, and so on, and I need to pay them on time. As much as I might try to explain to my creditors, “But, I had 10 unexpected cancellations this week…,” my bills are due when they are due, just like everyone else’s.
Please be considerate, as business is going to be hard for me moving forward.
- I ask that you please give me as much notice as possible if you have to cancel. This is why I’m asking people to self-screen at home.
- My schedule will be spaced apart more than before to allow for more time to clean.
- That means I will already be taking home less money because I can see fewer people during the day. Additionally, business will probably be slower.
- By all means, cancel if you need to due to COVID issues, but please don’t take advantage of the policy if you don’t have a true COVID-related reason to cancel.
Regular Cancellation Policy Rules of 24 Hours Notice apply to all normal reasons (not COVID-related) for cancellation.
- You may reschedule online up to 24 hours before your appointment. Just click the “Reschedule or Cancel” button at the bottom of your appointment confirmation/reminder email.
- Failure to provide 24 hours notice will result in a lost prepaid appointment.
Room, Table, and Equipment Disinfection
- I use Clorox/Lysol wipes, Isopropyl Alcohol, and Pine Sol (all of which contain registered agents to kill COVID-19) will be used on door handles, light switches, the floor and other commonly touched surfaces.
- Isopropyl alcohol, a disinfectant that is shown to kill COVID-19, will be used to wipe down surfaces in the treatment room between clients.
- It works quickly, has no smell, is very safe, and is not bothersome for people (like me) with chemical sensitivities.

- I ventilate the room during sessions with one window fan blowing out and an open window to allow for fresh air. Air from the main heating system is blocked off from entering my room. I have heaters in the room to keep it warm.
- I have two UV-C air filters that will be running full-time to kill airborne pathogens.
- Linens are changed between clients.
- Linens will be kept and transported in separate designated bags – one for dirty and one for clean.
- Linens will be laundered on hot with a high-quality unscented detergent. (Soap and heat kill the virus.)
- There are waterproof table protectors and pillow covers to keep contaminants from getting through the sheets and into the soft bedding.
- These waterproof coverings will be changed after each client and laundered.
- Disinfecting between client sessions will include: tables, chairs, doorknobs, light switches, phones, tablets, touch screens, handles, desks, toilets, sinks, etc. in the treatment room and bathrooms.
Gosh, that sure is a lot!
Yes, it is a lot. I think I may have to clone myself just to do all the extra cleaning and laundry!
I really wish it weren’t necessary, but it is. I don’t want to catch this virus, and I sure as heck don’t want anyone coming through my office to get it either.
To ensure everyone’s safety, I’m doing my very best to implement sensible, science-based measures. Although there are a lot of new things to take into account when I reopen, eventually it will become routine for everyone.
Hopefully, one day this will all be old news, and we won’t need to be so paranoid. For now, though, I ask that my clients please follow these new guidelines to keep everyone safe.
I’m always open to questions, so if you have concerns or questions, get in contact with me and let’s chat. 505-554-5185 I’m sure that there are things I’ve not thought to address here, and I know that there will be people with special circumstances.
Thank you!