Get the Best Outcome:
How To Prepare Yourself
For Plastic Surgery

Experience Faster Recovery,
Pain Relief & Less Swelling
Surgery inhibits the circulation of lymphatic fluid.
After surgery it is critical to get lymph flowing again
with Lymphatic Massage (Manual Lymph Drainage).
You may already have read as much in your research
while you prepare yourself for plastic surgery.
But did you know that you can prepare your body
before plastic surgery to make your recovery easier?
You probably haven’t heard of the suggestion before, but it makes plenty of sense if you think about it.
You are about to give your lymphatic system a huge job to do – namely, ridding your body of the waste products (dead cells) caused by the surgery.
The lymphatic system’s job is to transport away all of those dead cells so that your surgical site doesn’t become a giant cess pool. It would be a good thing if the drains were working properly, right?
Think of it this way:
I come to your house and dump a 5 gallon bucket of sludge in your bathtub drain today. Will it go down?
When was the last time you had your drain pipe professionally cleaned? What if you had just had your pipes cleaned a few days before? Think the sludge might go down faster? Yup.

The same thing holds true with getting lymphatic massage **before** your surgery. The pipes are clear and ready to handle the big bucket of sludge that’s about to be tossed their way.
I’ve worked on women who went out of town for their surgeries. They tell me that in their recovery house that there are several women who have the same surgery the same day. Not only do they not swell as much, but they get their drains out quicker, and they report that they are far better off than their housemates.
They are sooooo glad that they got lymphatic work done ahead of time, and they always ask me the same question: “Why doesn’t anyone know about doing this before surgery?” I guess that social media hasn’t yet figured out that this is important information to share.
To better understand how the lymphatic system gets clogged up and how lymphatic massage helps to “unclog the drains” so swelling goes down, I recommend you watch this animated video on How the Lymphatic System works. I promise that it will make so much more sense, and you will understand how getting lymphatic massage before and after surgery is an investment in making sure you get the best outcome.
Advice on What to Expect
Wondering what you can REALLY expect after plastic surgery? Pain & Swelling Solutions is the place to find that info. Shannon Goins-Blair specializes in plastic surgery recovery, has attended numerous types of cosmetic surgeries, and knows what is normal and what isn’t when someone is recovering.
One huge advantage that making a lymphatic massage appointment before surgery is that you can ask a ton of questions to the person who cares for patients post op – ahead of time. Shannon sees people on a day-to-day basis during their recovery, which provides quite a different perspective than that of the surgeons.
Surgeons only see patients the day or two after surgery, then about 3 weeks later, and then maybe at 6-8 weeks or so. They are taught to “benchmark” patients – looking only for the truly out-of-the-ordinary things that indicate a real problem is brewing. What they don’t do is tell you *why* what you are experiencing is normal, or what to do to get relief in a safe manner.
Shannon’s training is evidence-based. She knows the recovery process backwards and forwards, and is your ally in your recovery – every step of the way.
Make your lymphatic massage appointment today using the link below to get the info you really need to prepare yourself both mentally and physically for your plastic surgery journey.

What You Should Do
In order for your body to be able to recover quickly, it needs to be at its best before you go for surgery.
By having 1-2 Lymphatic Drainage appointments BEFORE your surgery you preparing your body rebound more quickly.
Lymphatic Drainage sessions boost your cellular metabolism and immune response. This helps you to fight off potential infections post-op, ensuring a quicker and smoother healing journey.
Be sure to check out our
Plastic Surgery Frequently Asked Questions.
If You Are Still Planning Your Surgery
Be sure to book your lymphatic massage appointments **IN ADVANCE**.
I can’t stress this strongly enough.
“Hi, I’ve just returned today from Miami/Dominican Republic/Mexico where I had plastic surgery. I need to get in today for a lymphatic massage.”
If I had a nickel for every text or call I get like this, I’d be a rich woman without ever having to work.
As much as I want to help people, I and other therapists like me, are often booked out for several weeks. The best I can offer is to put people on the cancellation list and hope that I get a cancellation that will allow me to fit them in earlier.
Avoid this scenario by researching reputable therapists in your area. Here is a great directory on Instagram for highly-trained lymphatic therapists. You will need to find your state and then reach out to see if that person works on plastic surgery recovery.
Remember, that plastic surgery recovery is a very specialized skill. Good training in lymphatic therapy is just the beginning of the training needed to be a competent therapist.
If You Have Already Had Surgery
Don’t worry! If you’ve already had surgery, Post-Operative Recovery Therapy can speed recovery and diminish you swelling and pain.
There are even more helpful resources for you regarding Plastic Surgery Recovery available on this website.