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Mast Cell Disorder Therapy

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Albuquerque


What is MCAS?

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), also known as Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD), affects nearly 1 in 5 people in the US.  Sadly,  this disorder usually goes undiagnosed for decades in people who have it. MCAS can cause a host of issues throughout that don’t seem to be related, but that all make sense as part of a bigger whole when someone gets a diagnosis.

Ultimately, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is a type of immune system disorder.  As stated earlier, it causes a wide variety of symptoms in the body and it can vary tremendously from one person to the next. 


What Are the Common Symptoms of MCAS?

While MCAS may look very different from one person to the next, there are symptoms that tend to be found commonly in people who have it.  They include:

  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Widespread body pain (may improve with antihistamines, but not pain meds)
  • Gastrointestinal disturbance – especially bloating
  • Hypersensitivity to chemicals/smells/dyes/fragrances
  • Rashes on the skin/hives – especially migratory rashes
  • Shortness of breath upon exercising
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Vision problems that can come and go
  • Unexplained anxiety


Are There Mast Cell-Related Disorders?

Yes!  In fact, people who have MCAS often have one or more of the following conditions.  If you already have a diagnosis for one of the following disorders, consider getting checked for MCAS.

Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome – a genetic connective tissue disorder – loose skin/hypermobility of joints

Lipedema – genetic fat and connective tissue disorder almost exclusively found in women – abnormal fat deposition from the hip (below the waist) to the ankle, possibly involving upper (sometimes lower) arms.

Dercum’s Disease – a genetic fat and connective tissue disorder characterized by painful lipomas.  Regular lipomas do not have a painful sensation.

POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardic syndrome) and other dysautonomic issues – This disorder is characterized by rapid heartbeat/dizziness when standing up from a seated or lying down position.

Marfan’s Syndrome – a genetic disorder that involves the connective tissue.  People are very thin often with a caved-in chest.


Why Should I Get Lymphatic Massage for MCAS or Related Disorder?

Lymphatic therapy for swelling and pain can help improve symptoms.  While it cannot cure the condition, it can be of tremendous help if you have already gotten a diagnosis and are in the process of cleaning up your diet, environment, and other exposures to things like toxins, molds, artificial fragrances/dyes/chemical additives.  Since the lymphatic system is the “septic system of the body” and helps us move waste away from our tissues, unclogging the lymphatic system with lymphatic massage helps us to purge waste away faster.


Why Should I Make an Appointment with Pain & Swelling Solutions?

As a practitioner with the disorder, I not only can provide therapy, but I can help give you ideas of what to get tested for (if you still haven’t been diagnosed),  help you find local and regional practitioners, and tell you what I’ve done that has helped in my case.  

While I can’t give you a diagnosis, during your session I can share with you a ton of helpful information that can save you months or years of searching for what is wrong with you and help guide you to medical professionals who can help.  Ultimately, the only way to know if you have it is to get tested, but most practitioners don’t know what MCAS is, nor do they know how to look for it.  I can help provide you with a roadmap to see if that (or a related disorder) is what is affecting you.


Feel Better Today

With a

Lymphatic Detox Massage
Get Relief for Your Swelling

 (No, you don’t have to have
had surgery to see me.)

Plastic Surgery?

Recover Faster with

Post Op Lymphatic Massage

from a licensed professional who specializes in post op massage
To help get rid of those lumps


Having Trouble Making Your Appointment?

How to Use the Online Booking System

Shannon Goins-Blair LANA Certified Lymphedema Therapist and Functional Medicine Coach
Shannon Goins-Blair, CLT-LANA
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Board Certified LMT
Functional Medicine Coach

Pain & Swelling Solutions
2620 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite E   

Map & Directions


Am I the Right Therapist for You?


Feel Better Today

With a

Lymphatic Detox Massage
Get Relief for Your Swelling

 (No, you don’t have to have had surgery to see me.)


Plastic Surgery?

Recover Faster with

Post Op Lymphatic Massage

from a licensed professional who specializes in post op massage
To help get rid of those lumps



Shannon Goins-Blair LANA Certified Lymphedema Therapist and Functional Medicine Coach
Shannon Goins-Blair, CLT-LANA
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Board Certified LMT
Functional Medicine Coach

Having Trouble Making Your Appointment?

How to Use the Online Booking System


Am I the Right Therapist for You?



Pain & Swelling Solutions
2620 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite E   

Map & Directions