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Links to Research Articles


Research on Lymphatics


Identification of Genetic Marker that Plays a Role in the Development of Lymphedema and Lipedema

•  Platelet factor 4 is a biomarker for lymphatic-promoted disorders – Journal of Clinical Investigation

Risk of Spreading Existing Cancer / Cancer Recurrence with Lymphatic Massage (Manual Lymphatic Drainage)

• Risk of breast cancer recurrence in patients receiving manual lymphatic drainage: a hospital-based cohort study – National Institutes of Health

• Massage and cancer key questions– Cancer Council NSW

The Lymphatic System and Brain Health

•  Could boosting lymphatic function combat age-related cognitive decline? – National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging

• “Brain Cleaning System Uses Lymphatic Vessels” – National Institute of Health

• “New Brain Cleaning System Discovered” – National Institutes of Health

 “The Glymphatic System” – 

Lymphedema Stories

• Actor Kathy Bates Says Even Holding Up a Book Is Hard Due to Lymphedema after Breast Cancer Surgery– Survivornet

Research on Lymphatic System Repair in Lymphedema

•  Vascularized Lymph Vessel Transfer for Extremity Lymphedema – Is Transfer of Lymph Node Still Necessary?

 OMRF scientists discover potential therapeutic target for lymphedema.  

• Study finds first possible drug treatment for lymphedema. 

 Innovative surgical treatment of peripheral lymphedema after breast cancer surgery

•  Myths and Facts about Lymphedema Surgery

Cardiac (Heart) Function and the Lymphatic System

 “Cardiac Lymphatics in Health and Disease” –


Articles on Lymphatic Impairment


•  “How MRSA Infection Compromises Lymphatic Function” –  Science Daily

•  “Cytokine Candidate Genes Predict the Development of Secondary Lymphedema Following Breast Cancer Surgery” – Lymphatic Research and Biology

• Why are Some People Walking Time Bombs for Developing Lymphedema?  Lymphedema Education and Research Network, Melissa B. Aldrich, M.B.A., Ph.D. July 2020.


Primary Lymphedema Causes (Genetic)

• Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome.  Genetics Home Reference.  Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions.

• Turner Syndrome.  Genetics Home Reference.  Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions.

•  Noonan Syndrome.  Genetics Home Reference.  Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions.

•  Lymphedema-Distichiasis Syndrome.  Genetics Home Reference.  Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions.

• Meige Disease. Genetics Home Reference.  Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions.

• Milroy Disease.  Genetics Home Reference.  Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions.

• Hennekam Syndrome.  Genetics Home Reference.  Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions.

•  FOXC2 Gene.  Genetics Home Reference.  Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions.

• FLT4 Gene.  Genetics Home Reference.  Your Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions.

• ANGPT2 Gene.  Mutations in Novel Gene Associated with Primary Lymphedema


Articles on Cancer


Articles on Chronic Venous Insufficiency
and Resultant Phlebolymphedema



Feel Better Today

With a

Lymphatic Detox Massage
Get Relief for Your Swelling

 (No, you don’t have to have
had surgery to see me.)

Plastic Surgery?

Recover Faster with

Post Op Lymphatic Massage

from a licensed professional who specializes in post op massage
To help get rid of those lumps


Having Trouble Making Your Appointment?

How to Use the Online Booking System

Shannon Goins-Blair LANA Certified Lymphedema Therapist and Functional Medicine Coach
Shannon Goins-Blair, CLT-LANA
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Board Certified LMT
Functional Medicine Coach

Pain & Swelling Solutions
2620 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite E   

Map & Directions


Am I the Right Therapist for You?


Feel Better Today

With a

Lymphatic Detox Massage
Get Relief for Your Swelling

 (No, you don’t have to have had surgery to see me.)


Plastic Surgery?

Recover Faster with

Post Op Lymphatic Massage

from a licensed professional who specializes in post op massage
To help get rid of those lumps



Shannon Goins-Blair LANA Certified Lymphedema Therapist and Functional Medicine Coach
Shannon Goins-Blair, CLT-LANA
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Board Certified LMT
Functional Medicine Coach

Having Trouble Making Your Appointment?

How to Use the Online Booking System


Am I the Right Therapist for You?



Pain & Swelling Solutions
2620 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite E   

Map & Directions