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Services by Condition Treated:
The Benefits of Lymphatic Massage


Post-Operative Recovery Therapies

Plastic surgeons often prescribe Lymphatic Massage (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) before and after liposuction or other cosmetic surgery procedures to ensure their patients get the best possible results from their procedure.

Lymphatic Massage for liposuction, BBL, breast augmentation/reduction, tummy tuck, and other plastic surgery procedures facilitates healing and gets you back to normal faster.

Breast Surgery Recovery Therapy is a therapeutic treatment of the breast tissue that helps maintain healthy breasts and assists in restoring health to tissues that have been surgically altered, damaged, or have suffered from disease.  

Certified in Breast Health, Oncology Massage, and Scar Massage, Shannon has helped many women following breast surgery to get better range of motion with their arms, reduce swelling, and decrease pain.


Reduce pain and heal faster from your operation or after an accident such as a badly sprained ankle.

If you’ve crashed your bike, slammed your hand in a car door, had a knee or hip replacement, hysterectomy, or other surgery, this therapy can help you feel better quicker. Swelling and pain are reduced and your range of motion of the affected limb are restored quicker.


Postpartum Swelling 

Lymphatic Massage Can Help Postpartum Swelling

After having a baby, life can be challenging because your body is trying to return to normal.  It doesn’t happen overnight, and one way that many women can tell it is taking a while is the swelling that seems like it will never get better.

There is great news!  Lymphatic massage can help that postpartum swelling go away faster and get you back to feeling normal faster.

Detox Therapies

If you are feeling sluggish and need a detox, getting Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (known as ELT) or Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD – also called “Lymphatic Massage”) are powerful ways to purge toxins from your body and set your body on a pathway to health and healing.  

Lymphatic Drainage flushes waste from the body’s tissues that have become stagnated.  They are moved out from spaces in between the cells and flushed by the kidneys.


Although they are different diseases, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) respond well to the same therapies that focus on clearing out (detoxing) the lymphatic system, calming the nervous system, and promoting sleep.

Essentially, lymphatic therapy helps your body do what it cannot do so well due to Fibro and/or CFS.  You’ll be surprised at how great you can feel after a session.


Recent research supports lymphatic therapy as effective against both the fatigue and brain fog associated with long-COVID.

Electro-lymphatic therapy is perhaps the most effective tool as it can access the glymphatic system, or lymphatic system of the brain, and cause more effective protein waste removal.  Manual Lympahtic Drainage is also effective for people who cannot have the Electro-lymphatic treatment.



Pain Relief

Tired of just being prescribed medications every time you tell your doctor you have an ache or pain?

There may be an alternative therapy that can help.

Alternative Pain Management services are highly customized for each client and may include Electro– or Manual Lymphatic Drainage/MLD, and Myofascial Release.


Scar Tissue Reduction helps to reduce inflammation at the surgical site, reduces the visibility of scars, and improves circulation in the area long after surgery.

This technique can reduce pinching and pulling of both superficial scars and deep adhesions.

Scar Tissue Reduction is part of the Post-Operative Recovery Therapy protocol offered.


Relief from the inevitable swelling that comes from oral surgeries such as wisdom tooth removal, dental implants, and jaw surgery is easier than you thought.

Techniques in Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) are very effective at reducing pain, swelling, and bruising brought on by oral surgery.

Oral Surgery Swelling Relief can take as little as a single session.


Alternative Therapy for Common Conditions

Chronic Sinusitis is a condition in which the nasal cavities become swollen and inflamed.  The swelling interferes with normal drainage and causes a painful buildup of pressure. 

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy / ELT painlessly “unclogs the plumbing” so that both swollen tissues and sinuses can drain.


Tinnitus and Vertigo can be triggered by a number of things including swelling and lymphatic backup in the head.

ELT (Electro-Lymphatic Therapy) or Lymphatic Massage / Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) can help to reduce ringing and dizziness in people whose tinnitus and vertigo are brought on by swelling.


Migraine Relief Albuquerque

Migraine Relief

Migraines, although not entirely understood, can be triggered by inflammation/swelling in the head.

A combined use of ELT, and Lymphatic Massage (MLD) can bring about significant reductions in pain through decreased inflammation and swelling.



Lymphedema & Lipedema Management Therapies

Lymphedema Treatment reduces swelling and fibrosis caused by Lymphedema through Electro– or Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Lymphatic Massage)Compression Bandaging and garment fitting may also be a part of this treatment.

Lipedema Treatment aims to reduce swelling, improve pain and sensitivity, and reduce fibrosis. 

Lymphatic Drainage (Electro– or Manual – also known as Lymphatic Massage) are usually done along with myofascial work. 

Compression Bandaging using short stretch bandages (not ACE bandages!) is commonly used to reduce swelling in limbs with swelling from Lymphedema and Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI).  It is also indicated as a treatment for DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and Lipedema.



Feel Better Today

With a

Lymphatic Detox Massage
Get Relief for Your Swelling

 (No, you don’t have to have
had surgery to see me.)

Plastic Surgery?

Recover Faster with

Post Op Lymphatic Massage

from a licensed professional who specializes in post op massage
To help get rid of those lumps


Having Trouble Making Your Appointment?

How to Use the Online Booking System

Shannon Goins-Blair LANA Certified Lymphedema Therapist and Functional Medicine Coach
Shannon Goins-Blair, CLT-LANA
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Board Certified LMT
Functional Medicine Coach

Pain & Swelling Solutions
5310 Homestead Rd.
Suite 202A
(Inside High Desert Chiropractic)  

Map & Directions


Am I the Right Therapist for You?


Feel Better Today

With a

Lymphatic Detox Massage
Get Relief for Your Swelling

 (No, you don’t have to have had surgery to see me.)


Plastic Surgery?

Recover Faster with

Post Op Lymphatic Massage

from a licensed professional who specializes in post op massage
To help get rid of those lumps



Shannon Goins-Blair LANA Certified Lymphedema Therapist and Functional Medicine Coach
Shannon Goins-Blair, CLT-LANA
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Board Certified LMT
Functional Medicine Coach

Having Trouble Making Your Appointment?

How to Use the Online Booking System


Am I the Right Therapist for You?



Pain & Swelling Solutions
2620 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite E   

Map & Directions