How to Get Swelling Relief
Reduce Your Swelling.
Feel Better.

What is Swelling?
We all have had swelling at some time in our lives, whether it has been because we accidentally slammed our hand in a car door or stubbed our toe on a dresser. Leg swelling is common from vein issues like Chronic Venous Insufficiency. Some of us even have had surgery (plastic surgery, knee replacement, etc.) that caused significant swelling. Regardless of the cause, lymphatic massage at Pain & Swelling Solutions can help reduce your swelling.
We know swelling when we see it,
but what is swelling actually?
Swelling is fluid that is stuck in our tissues.
Sometimes it can be helpful, like when we break a bone and it helps to splint the area to prevent further damage. This is also true after surgery (plastic surgery as well as cancer-removing surgeries such as mastectomies/lumpectomies). We swell as part of the inflammatory response – and it is normal.
Other times, swelling is persistent and is caused by problems in our bodies like defective valves in our veins. Defective valves allow blood to fall backwards towards the feet instead of continually moving toward the heart like it should. Pregnancy causes this to happen as well because the baby pushes on the major veins in the abdomen making it harder for blood to return to the heart.
As a result of this blood pooling in the veins of the legs, more fluid is pushed out into the tissues. We observe this on the outside of the body as swelling.
Click here to learn more in-depth about what causes swelling.
There is Help for Your Swelling
Pain & Swelling Solutions has the answers you need to help you resolve your swelling problem, whether it is from surgery, faulty veins, postpartum swelling, or other cause such as cancer.

Swelling can be reduced by improving the flow of the lymphatic system.
Our lymphatic system carries the excess fluid away from our tissues that causes swelling.
The techniques, known generally as Lymphatic Drainage (commonly called “Lymphatic Massage,” are not only painless, but they are relaxing and enjoyable.
Lymphatic Drainage is the most effective method of reducing swelling – much more effective than diuretics which usually have little to no effect.
Additionally, compression, cupping, kinesiotape or bandaging can reduce swelling and help keep it at bay long-term. These options are all possible options for keeping your swelling under control. Discuss them with me at your appointment at Pain & Swelling Solutions.

Lymphatic Drainage (Lymphatic Massage)

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a technique that is done with the hands. It feels similar to a massage, but is actually quite different.
In MLD very light pressure is used to gently stretch the skin. Much of the lymphatic system lies just beneath the skin. This stretching helps encourage fluid to enter the lymphatic system as well as move the fluid along the lymphatic vessels and back to the heart where it enters the bloodstream.
The heart pumps the fluid (now part of the blood) through the liver to remove waste and then to the kidneys so that we pee it out.
Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) is another method for stimulating lymphatic flow.
ELT is also very relaxing. People often are surprised at the deep level of relaxation they get with this therapy.
ELT uses a specialized device that emits light and sound that interact with the protein molecules in lymphatic fluid, causing it to flow more readily.
Electro-Lymphatic Therapy is fantastic for head and neck swelling because it can get very deep into the tissues and affect the lymphatic flow out of the head and neck.
Essentially, it changes the viscosity (thickness) of lymph to be more like water and less like jello or honey. Thinner lymphatic fluid moves through the lymphatic vessels more easily, allowing for better drainage of tissues.

Cupping is an outstanding way to move fluid in the body and reduce swelling.
Although it is commonly used to relax stiff muscles, there is a method of cupping that keeps the cups in motion and moves lymphatic fluid very effectively.
Lymphatic cupping can be done by hand with cups like you see in the picture here, or it can be done with a cupping machine. Both are painless, relaxing, and highly effective.

Compression is another method to help with swelling relief. Compression stockings or sleeves (for the arms) are effective at keeping swelling at bay following a Lymphatic Drainage session.

Compression has come a very long way in the last decade.
While the standard tan shades that don’t seem to match anyone’s skin color still exist, many vendors have branched out to provide fashionable options.
Pain & Swelling Solutions has several samples available and catalogs to help you find the style and compression level that suit you best.

Compression Bandaging
Compression bandaging is the quickest way to reduce severe swelling.
It uses special bandages called “short-stretch bandages.” Although they look like the familiar Ace style bandage, they are quite different. Ace bandages can be very dangerous to use when you have swelling because they can cause a tourniquet and worsen swelling.
Short-stretch bandages, by comparison allow for a specific amount of pressure to be applied. This type of bandage is safe to sleep in.
Once a person’s limb has reduced significantly they are transitioned over to special compression stockings or sleeves.